Thursday 15 October 2015

STR 581


1. A firm must know where to position its product based on price and
2. What type of strategy consists of geographical pricing, price discounts and allowances, promotional pricing, and differentiated pricing?
3. The marketing manager needs to know the cost of the research project before approving it. During which stage of the marketing research process would such a consideration most likely take place?
4. A valuable result of task environment analysis with respect to geographic, demographic, psychographic and buyer-behavior factors is called
5. New-to-the-world products are ________.
6. These social responsibilities are those that are voluntarily assumed by a business or organization. They include public relations activities, good citizenship, and full corporate social responsibility.
7. When diversification involves additions of a business related to the firm in terms of technology, markets or products, it involves
8. Which component of a marketing audit includes major developments in income, prices, savings, and credit that affect the company?
9. The ability to meet humanity’s needs without harming future generations is now a top priority in most corporate agenda

10. BMW’s “The ultimate driving machine,” American Express’ “Don’t leave home without it,” New York Times’ “All the news that’s fit to print,” and AT&T’s “Reach out and touch someone” are all examples of ________.
11. A company can learn a great deal by analyzing the degrees of brand loyalty. For example, ________ can show the firm which brands are most competitive with its own.
12. The strategic factor that involves the beliefs, values, attitudes, opinions, and lifestyles of persons in the firm’s external environment, as developed from cultural, ecological, demographic, religious, educational, and ethnic conditioning.
13. A set of ideas on organizational control based on the belief that the separation of the ownership from management creates the potential for the wishes of owners to be ignored refers to
14. This is designed to check systematically and continuously whether the premises on which the strategy is based are still valid
15. When performing this analysis, it is good for strategic planners to consider similarities between the benefits the customers derive from the products and services that other firms offer.
16. This is a historically popular technique through which managers create a quick overview of a company’s strategic situation—it is based on achieving a sound fit between internal resources and the external situation.
17. A company that attempts to lead its industry in price and convenience by pursuing a focus on lean and efficient operations is pursuing what strategy?
18. Leaders galvanize commitment to embrace change through clarifying strategic intent, building an organization, and
19. Prestige LLC, a small company that manufactures specialty cereals and energy bars, wants to launch a “green marketing” program in response to heightened consumer awareness about environmental issues. What should the company do to maximize the program’s chances of being successful?
20. This is an important structural decision and resultant separate activities need to be coordinated and integrated back together as a whole so the business functions effectively.


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