Wednesday, 14 October 2015

PROJ 420


PROJ 420 Week 1 Course Project Assignment Project Topic Proposal and Outline
PROJ 420 Week 1 Discussion 1 Why Should We Practice Risk Management
PROJ 420 Week 1 Discussion 2 The ATOM Risk Management Process
PROJ 420 Week 2 Course Project Assignment; Project Sizing and Stakeholder Analysis
PROJ 420 Week 2 Discussion 1 The Initiation Step
PROJ 420 Week 2 Discussion 2 Risk Identification
PROJ 420 Week 3 Course Project Assignment; Project Risk Breakdown Structure
PROJ 420 Week 3 Discussion 1 MRP Process
PROJ 420 Week 3 Discussion Risk Identification
PROJ 420 Week 3 Quiz
PROJ 420 Week 4 Course Project Assignment; Probability Impact Matrix
PROJ 420 Week 4 Discussion 1 Communications
PROJ 420 Week 4 Discussion 2 The Work Breakdown Structur
PROJ 420 Week 5 Course Project Assignment; Risk Register
PROJ 420 Week 5 Discussion 1 Risk Response Planning
PROJ 420 Week 5 Discussion 2 Reporting
PROJ 420 Week 6 Course Project Assignment; Summary Risk Report
PROJ 420 Week 6 Discussion 1 Implementation
PROJ 420 Week 6 Discussion 2 Reviews
PROJ 420 Week 6 Quiz
PROJ 420 Week 7 Course Project Final Paper (The RMP)
PROJ 420 Week 7 Discussion 1 Post Project Review
PROJ 420 Week 7 Discussion 2 The ATOM Process
PROJ 420 Week 1: Selecting a Project

During Week 1, you will select a project for your risk management plan Course Project. The project can be one that you are working on as part of your regular job, a case study you have completed in the past, or a project that you want to plan, either business or personal. You will choose your project so that you will be very familiar with it and understand its various elements. The project request will be submitted as a graded assignment.
To select your project, submit a description of it using the Week 1 Course Project Proposal & Outline Template (PROJ420_W1_ProposalAndOutline.docx) in Doc Sharing.
PROJ 420 Week 2: Project Sizing and Stakeholder Analysis
Your Course Project milestone for Week 2 will be to develop your project sizing and stakeholder analysis.
To do this, use the Week 2 Course Project Assignment Template (PROJ420_W2_AssignmentTemplate.docx) in Doc Sharing.
PROJ 420 Week 3 Quiz
PROJ 420 Week 3: Project Risk Breakdown Structure
For your third Course Project milestone, develop a risk breakdown structure.
To do this, use the Week 3 Course Project Assignment Template (PROJ420_W3_AssignmentTemplate.docx) in Doc Sharing.
In order to keep the RBS manageable, identify 10 risks from your project to be included in your RBS.
PROJ 420 Week 4: Probability-Impact Matrix
This week for your Course Project milestone, submit a Probability-Impact Matrix for the project you selected based on the top 10 risks you identified in your RBS in Week 3.
To do this, use the Week 4 Course Project Assignment Template (PROJ420_W4_PIMatrixTemplate.xlsx) in Doc Sharing.
PROJ 420 Week 5: Risk Register
Develop and submit a risk register based on the 10 risks you have assessed within the project you selected. Your register should have four sections.
Project title Risk description Impact and probability rating Planned response
Note that there is no template for this week’s assignment.
PROJ 420 Week 6 Quiz
PROJ 420 Week 6: Summary Risk Report
This week, you are to develop a summary risk report based on the project you have selected and have been assessing.
Refer to Figure B-12 in Appendix B on page 233 in your Practical Project Risk Management: The ATOM Methodology text. The report is a summary, so please keep your assignment in that format. Five pages is the suggested maximum length.
PROJ 420 Week 7: Course Project Final Paper (The RMP)


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